Places to eat in Haapsalu and Läänemaa

In the romantic small town of Haapsalu and small villages, hospitable people await you, surprising you with their sincerity and interest in history and culture. The guests who stayed here are remembered again and again with great respect.

Blu Holm Restaurant

Blu Holm Restaurant is located in Haapsalu, in the Hestia Hotel Haapsalu Spa. Always fresh, clean tastes, and colourful dishes – our menu is full of contrasts, but calm and harmonious at the same time, just like Estonians. The pleasantly cosy atmosphere, good music, sunsets, and tastes offer experiences for the whole family. The restaurant with the most beautiful view is waiting for you! Interesting to know: the name Blu Holm means a beautiful view of the chain of plateaus connected to the mainland – the lowlands of Haapsalu and the beach of Väike Viik Lake.

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